Wednesday, November 7, 2012

New Artistic Movement

                           New Artistic Movement of 1908

    Art by way of painting was very popular in 1908 and people had a certain fondness in seeing the different ways artists depict various things through their paintings. People were always interested in a different or new form of painting that can capture unique emotions. Cubism is a form painting thought of by Paul Cezannes. It was meant to capture the world in no other way than exactly as it appears. It uses geometric shapes and shows it at different views. Cubism is essentially trying to paint a forth dimension. Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque were the founders of the cubism style of painting. The movement was first recognized when Picasso revealed a recently finished painting in France, it’s disfiguring and use of many shapes and dull colors was the first painting acknowledged in the Cubism style.

Cubism was more officially discovered in Georges Braque’s paintings a couple months later in 1908. Braque produced several paintings of landscapes. In his paintings everything was more of a cubic resemblance and the trees had more of an architectural appearance. Louis Vauxcelles, a French critic, called it “bizarreries cubiques” thus giving the style it’s name.


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